So I know that Spring break was almost a month ago but I really wanted to post about how much fun I had while in Arizona. Seriously, I LOVE going home! Luckily I was able to miss a week of school and stay home for two weeks so that I could be home for one of my best friends, Clarissa Ferrin (Ragars) wedding! It was such an incredible day! I was so happy to see Joel and Clarissa burst from the temple looking just as happy as could be! It was also so much fun for me to spend the day with some of my very best friends; Kasey, Krystal, Lachelle, Emily, and Erin! I love these girls and even though we aren't together very often, we love each other just the same. I am so glad that even though I usually' am very far from them, they still love me and it's like we never left each other! What a blessing it is to have such incredible friends
So besides being a part of the wedding, I did lot's of other fun things while home! It was so fun to have all of my siblings home, that just does not happen very often! Catie had been wanting to get the wii fit game for a long time, so we finally went and got it! hah we had a blast playing with it all week! We also went bowling, the boys went golfing, girls got pedicures, visited family, had some amazing game nights and of course barbecued. Really it couldn't have been a more perfect spring break.